" For Such a Time As This" - Esther 4:14

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Plan, Publish &

Your Amazon
#1 Bestseller

more impact, more income & greater influence 
December 7 - 13

For A LIMITED TIME ONLY... Join Our 7-Day Challenge ($997 VALUE) for FREE

When You Join
the "Bestseller in 2024"
Author Incubator 
Here's some of what you'll learn:
  • How to Quickly Bring Your Passion to The World Using The Power of a Bestselling Book.
  • ​How to Get The Ideas Out of Your Head and Into a Book Without Stress or Writer’s Block
  • ​3 Secrets to the Amazon Algorithm They Don’t Want You to Know!
  • ​​The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made by Most Authors That Stop Them Cold (And How to Avoid Them)
  • ​The #1 Thing You HAVE TO CRUSH & It Happens Before You Hit Publish (Without This Your Book WILL Fail)
  • ​Find out how to make the Tech Giants YOUR servants. Because God made you to be the head and not the tail. Let's do this together!

Dear Kingdom Messenger

Build Your Influence Fast…
….. With a Bestselling Book!

I firmly believe that EVERY Christian has a book inside of them.

My goal during this "Bestseller in 2024" Author Incubator is to give you everything you need to plan, publish & promote your Amazon #1 bestselling book in 2024!  All in just 3 Days!

Having a best-selling book will rapidly increase your influence, impact, & income potential.

Imagine being asked to speak on podcasts and stages to share your message.

Imagine attracting more ideal customers that WANT your products & services.

There's no better time than right NOW to position yourself for exponential increase!  Get ready to plan, publish & promote your Kingdom Message with a book.  This will be an interactive experience unlike any other!

This won't just be training.  There will be "facilitated action hours" for you to immediately apply what you learn.  I'm going to show you exactly how to leverage the hottest AI tools to write better and faster than you ever imagined possible!

Register today !
The "Bestseller in 2024"
Author Incubator
will Position you to become 
Let me ask you something...

Are you still looking for a way to get your message heard above the noise?

If you said Yes to any of the above questions, then my friend, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

I can relate to you and know EXACTLY how you feel...because I Was There Once .  

I used to feel like the world's best kept secret!  I knew I had something to contribute, but I just didn't know how to show up in a bigger way. 

But then I discovered the power of a becoming a Bestselling Author...and everything changed for me! 

I can easily divide my life into two parts:  Before I wrote my book...and AFTER I wrote my book. 

Everything changed for me. Just like everything will change for YOU.

Are you ready to show up in a bigger way?  Then the "Bestseller in 2024" Author Incubator is definitely for you!!!
Hi,  I'm Donna Partow

For more than a decade, I've dedicated myself to empowering Christians to take their message to the world.

By God's amazing grace, I'm one of the top-selling Christian authors in the world, with more than 1.5 million books sold.  My ministry has taken me to 40+ nations on six continents.  

Having achieved my dreams -- to become an author, speaker, online entrepreneur, digital nomad and tent-making missionary... 

I felt called by God to reach back and help others who are on the same journey as Kingdom Messengers.

Let me share with you my smartest moves -- so you can imitate them.  And my biggest mistakes -- so you can easily avoid them.

I'm excited to invest this time into YOUR destiny by sharing my best gifts...to help unlock yours.
Hi,  I'm Donna Partow

For more than a decade, I've dedicated myself to empowering Christians to take their message to the world.

By God's amazing grace, I'm one of the top-selling Christian authors in the world, with more than 1.5 million books sold.  My ministry has taken me to 40+ nations on six continents.  

I've also enrolled more than 20,000 people into my online training programs.  In fact, that income -- generated 24/7/365 even while I'm sleeping -- is what enables me to go anywhere God sends me.  I can work from anywhere and reach people everywhere!

Having achieved my dreams -- to become an author, speaker, online entrepreneur, digital nomad and tent-making missionary... 

I felt called by God to reach back and help others who are on the same journey as Kingdom Messengers.

Let me share with you my smartest moves -- so you can imitate them.  And my biggest mistakes -- so you can easily avoid them.

I'm excited to invest this time into YOUR destiny by sharing my best gifts...to help unlock yours.

#1 - what a book can do

Position Yourself for Greater Influence, Impact & Income  

Everything will change for you when you write your Amazon #1 Bestseller!

Whether you're a speaker or teacher. A coach, consultant or course creator.
Whatever your story. Whatever your message or your business.

Writing a book changes everything.  Suddenly, you are the authority, the expert, the go-to person.
Suddenly, YOU'RE the one being invited to speak at events and on podcasts.
Suddenly, people are flocking to you, thanks to your enhanced credibility.
#2 - write faster & better than you ever dreamed possible

Leverage the Power of AI

You'll get an in-depth look at how to use the hottest AI tool - ChatGPT so YOU can become a content creation expert.  I'll be sharing an incredible demonstration of how you can use the hottest new thing on the internet, ChatGPT. 

Find out why everyone's talking about AI (Artificial Intelligence)!

Then giving you time to implement what you've learned to accelerate your book!

From generating book ideas, to creating an outline, gathering quotes and anecdotes, even writing and editing.
You'll be absolutely astonished at what Artificial Intelligence can create.

We don't know how long ChatGPT will be available. But we do know one thing for sure:
 right now it is FREE to use...and it won't be FREE for long.

So NOW IS THE TIME to take advantage of this tech tool
to create so much content that your message simply can't be ignored.
Here’s What You Will Accomplish
in Just Three Days

Why waste time trying to "figure it out" on your own when you could be well on your way to the Amazon Bestseller list in just three days? Through my proven process, you'll find clarity and create a plan to maximize your efforts from beginning to end:

Step 1

Nail Down Your Book Topic

Know who you are, Who has called you and who He has called you to serve. That's the foundation of every effective Kingdom Influencer. Get total clarity about your message. 

Find Your True Tribe

Discover exactly how to identify your "tribe" - those who need the answers you've found to solve their problems...or the strategies you've developed to help them achieve their dreams.  Then how to position YOUR book as the definite guide to move people from where they are now to where they want to be.

Step 2

Step 2

Find Your True Tribe

Discover exactly how to identify your "tribe" - those who need the answers you've found to solve their problems...or the strategies you've developed to help them achieve their dreams.  Then how to position YOUR book as the definite guide to move people from where they are now to where they want to be.

Step 3

Craft a Winning Title

Learn how to clearly communicate what sets your book apart from every other book on Amazon.  You have 3 seconds to grab the attention of a potential book buyer.  Let me show you exactly how to create a title that demands attention.  The kind of title that screams, "Wow, this is the book I've been looking for!!!"

Outline Your Book in Minutes

Don't make the amateur mistake of throwing words on a page in random order!  Top authors know that your high school English teacher was right: you must have an outline.  But she was also wrong: you don't have to do it yourself!  I will show you how to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to create a detailed book outline in just minutes.  This structure actually FREES YOU to write from the heart and lets the words flow easily.  

Insider Secret:  The reason I can write my books in just days?  I always start with a detailed outline!  

Step 4

Step 4

Outline Your Book in Minutes

Don't make the amateur mistake of throwing words on a page in random order!  Top authors know that your high school English teacher was right: you must have an outline.  But she was also wrong: you don't have to do it yourself!  I will show you how to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to create a detailed book outline in just minutes.  This structure actually FREES YOU to write from the heart and lets the words flow easily.  

Insider Secret:  The reason I can write my books in just days?  I always start with a detailed outline!  

Step 5

Discover My Proprietary Rapid Writing Method!

Others have paid $10,000 - $15,000 for personal access to me through my coaching program.  And one of the most valuable lessons they learn in return for their investment...is the secret to how I write so quickly.  During the "Bestseller in 2024" Author Incubator, I'm going to reveal the exact "Rapid Write & Release Method" I've developed and refined over the past 30+ years as one of the top-selling Christian authors in the world.

This alone is worth the price of admission!  During the "guided facilitation session," you'll have a chance to practice the method to discover how effective it is.

Prepare for a Successful Launch

Most authors just stick their book on Amazon and hope for the best.  Don't be like most authors!  Position yourself for success with my exclusive multi-phase book launch system, using my “Amazon AI-Jumpstart Formula.”  This system is strategically designed to "prime the pump" with Amazon's AI-driven algorithm, driving your book to the top of the charts.  And keeping it there.  

Step 6

Step 6

Prepare for a Successful Launch

Most authors just stick their book on Amazon and hope for the best.  Don't be like most authors!  Position yourself for success with my exclusive multi-phase book launch system, using my “Amazon AI-Jumpstart Formula.”  This system is strategically designed to "prime the pump" with Amazon's AI-driven algorithm, driving your book to the top of the charts.  And keeping it there.  

Step 7

Build Beyond the Book

Your book is just the beginning.  So many doors will open for you when you become a published author, especially an Amazon #1 bestselling author!  Let me share my best strategies for "building beyond the book"

How to leverage your newfound authority and influence to create online courses, coaching and membership programs, online and in-person events, and more!

Your book is just the beginning!

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Here's What Others Are Saying About Donna Partow

Peter Conti, Memoir

"I've published 5 books and never had a bestseller. Now I've been on the bestseller list 
almost every week for two years."

"We went from idea to #1 in both paperback and Kindle in 24 days. Donna has put us on a whole new trajectory for our lives."

John & Judy O'Leary, Non-Fiction

Pastor J. Henry Watson, Novel

"If you want to write a book that people will actually buy, you gotta hire Donna Partow. She knows the minute details and the big picture stuff."

"I've written many books and listened to all the experts. It didn't work. With Donna's help, I not only hit #1 on Amazon, I became a better writer."

Patty Mason, Bible Studies

Picture YOUR Book Here

Join our Growing Family of Kingdom Messengers &
Let's Make Your Publishing Dreams a Reality.  Together.


How 'Bout Some Social Proof?

Here's what people are posting on Facebook about Donna...

Shining on Amazon is a Kingdom Mandate

A Mandate from Heaven

There are just a few times in my life that stand out as moments when 
I knew with absolute certainty that God was giving me a specific Kingdom assignment.

One of those moments was in 1995.  I was pregnant with my second child when I was offered a job by a major publishing house that was launching one of the first consumer-oriented websites in the history of the internet. To be honest, when they started talking about "the world wide web" it sounded like science fiction.  For the most part,  I had no idea what they were talking about. But they made me a great offer.

As I prayed about it, I felt strongly that God was speaking to my heart.  In essence, He said, "Donna, the internet is going to emerge as a major force in the world.  It's going to become a very dark place.  But I want you  to be a light in the darkness."  I took the job and helped to pioneer the idea of online engagement.

I'm the one who first came up with the idea for online quizzes!
So the next time you're taking a quiz to find out what type of princess you would be, 
you have me to thank...

Here we are, almost 30 years later, and God still has me shining a light on the internet.  In the midst of books about murder and mayhem, werewolves and witches, and every type of sexual perversity, The Book Launch is skyrocketing Christian books to the top of the charts on Amazon.  We are meeting people right where they are, with everything from Bible studies and devotionals, to uplifting novels, memoirs and children's books, plus practical books offering real solutions to every day problems and proven pathways to help people achieve their goals.

The proof is in the #1 rankings!


What if I'm not sure what I want to write about yet?

No problem. We'll talk about the best way to decide which book you should write (you probably have lots of ideas!)

Will the Sessions Be Recorded?

YES.  And you will have permanent access to them on our Membership Site
How much can I hope to accomplish in 3 days.

Come find out how QUICKLY you can move toward writing and publishing your book.  You'll be amazed how much you can accomplish in a very short period of time.  The goal for the three days is for you to make a quantum leap forward on your writer's journey.  Remember, I wrote one of my top-selling books in 5 days. I know what it takes to cut through the noise and get it done!

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) unethical or dangerous?

AI is just like any other tool. Evil people will use it for evil purposes. But God's people can and should use it to spread the Gospel further than ever before.

The truth is, if you are using a smartphone, you are already using AI. If you use a GPS, you are already using AI. If you use social media, Google search or a streaming service, you are already using AI.

The only difference is that AI is costing you time and money. Now, for the first time in history, you can use AI to expand your impact and increase your income.

That's why, all of a sudden, the Tech Giants who have happily used AI to make money are "deeply concerned" that the average person might be able to use those exact same tools to benefit themselves and the world around them.
What if I can't join all of the sessions LIVE?

Not a problem.  You will have permanent access to the replays of every session.   Of course, this is designed to be highly-interactive.   I'll be available LIVE to personally answer your questions and to facilitate times of implementation.

If at all possible, try to clear your calendar for some portions of the three days.
2023 © Donna Partow
Donna Partow International | P.O. Box 2092 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004
www.donnapartow.com | Legal &Terms of Service