I Help Kingdom Messengers 
Become Bestselling Authors

Plan, Publish &

Your Amazon
#1 Bestseller 

In as little as 90 days! Even with no prior writing experience or big social media following. 

I'll show you how in my 3-Hour Masterclass!

more impact, more income & greater influence 
December 7 - 13

For A LIMITED TIME ONLY... Join Our 7-Day Challenge ($997 VALUE) for FREE

Get Ready to Skyrocket!

If you're ready to step into your destiny, then The Book Launch 3-Hour Masterclass is for you! In just 3 hours, you'll get a crash course on how to become an Amazon #1 bestselling author. 

Here's some of what you'll learn:
  • How to Quickly Bring Your Passion to The World Using The Power of a Bestselling Book.
  • ​How to Get The Ideas Out of Your Head and Into a Book Without Stress or Writer’s Block
  • ​3 Secrets to the Amazon Algorithm They Don’t Want You to Know!
  • ​​The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made by Most Authors That Stop Them Cold (And How to Avoid Them)
  • ​The #1 Thing You HAVE TO CRUSH & It Happens Before You Hit Publish (Without This Your Book WILL Fail)
  • ​Find out how to make the Tech Giants YOUR servants. Because God made you to be the head and not the tail. Let's do this together!
Everything will change for you when you write your Amazon #1 Bestseller!

Whether you're a speaker or teacher. A coach, consultant or course creator.
Whatever your story. Whatever your message or your business.

Writing a book changes everything. Suddenly, you are the authority, the expert, the go-to person.

Suddenly, YOU'RE the one being invited to speak at events and on podcasts.
Suddenly, people are flocking to you, thanks to your enhanced credibility.

Plus 2 Incredible Bonuses

Why waste time trying to "figure it out" on your own when you could be well on your way to the Amazon Bestseller list in just three hours? Through my proven process, you'll find clarity and create a plan to maximize your efforts from beginning to end.  I'm even throwing in two bonuses!

Your Step by Step Handbook

I'm also giving you instant access to my Amazon #1 Bestseller, Getting Started with Amazon KDP. With clear illustrations, this full-length 154-page book is the perfect companion resource to help you quickly get your book in print and on Kindle.

You'll be able to turn to it, again and again, for clear guidance on your first book. And every book you publish.  All the complicated tech stuff made easy!

Insider Marketing Secrets from a
Million-Copy Bestselling Author

Find out exactly what it takes to write the kind of book people will buy and be changed by. And why most book marketing happens long before you write a single sentence. In fact, you'll discover that once your book is in print, it's probably too late to try marketing it! I hold nothing back: I share exactly how I've been able to consistently write one bestseller after another.

Book marketing demystified on every page!

Hi, I'm Donna Partow

Million-Copy Bestselling Author

For more than 32 years, God has enabled me to write one bestselling book after another. Now, in this season, He has called me to raise up new voices...like yours.

Maybe you're like Josh. Josh had a message burning in his heart.

He knew there was a book inside of him...but he didn't think anyone would give him a chance. He felt frustrated and trapped in a Catch-22. All the experts told him he couldn't get his book in print until he "built a following"...but then he was told that the best way to build a following was by...writing a book!

As soon as he shared his vision with me – the lessons he'd learned, the lives he wanted to touch, the difference he wanted to make – I believed in him. So I did for him what others had done for me. 
I reached back and gave him a hand up.

I used my writing experience and book marketing savvy to help him turn his idea into a New York Times Bestseller, now with more than 1.2 million copies sold.

Since then, I've been honored to help EVERY ONE of my book launch clients reach the status of #1 bestseller on Amazon - which is where 70% of all books are sold today. After thirty years in the publishing industry, I have this down to a proven system.

The most exciting part to me is this: I not only help people launch their books, I help them launch movements or whole new careers. My clients say their entire lives go to a new level after I take them "From Idea to Amazon #1 Bestselling Author."
Or maybe you can relate to John & Judy. They had been mentoring people in their local church for years, teaching Financial Success God's Way.

They felt God tugging on their heart to write a book that would reach a much wider audience.

Following my system, their book skyrocketed to #1 in multiple categories in just 23 days. They had no mailing list, no social media, no "platform." They started from zero, which is right where you may be today, yet were able to launch an online movement of thousands. 

As of this writing, their book has more than 500 5-star reviews. As John says, "Donna set us on a whole new trajectory for our lives."
Let me ask you something...
Is God calling YOU to a higher level of impact and income? There's no faster or better way to position yourself for the next level than becoming... an Amazon #1 bestselling author. But here's my concern: There is so much misleading information out there.

Sadly, most of what you've been told about what to write and how to go about this is DEAD WRONG.

Imagine...going to all the effort of writing a book, even publishing it...and CRICKETS!!! No one buys it, no one reviews it. All that work for what? Here's the kinda scary part no one talks about: the vast majority of books on Amazon never sell a single copy. That means, your mom doesn't even buy your book. OUCH!!!

That's what I want to help you avoid. By the end of these three hours, I promise you will know exactly which pitfalls to avoid including the #1 mistake made by 90% of authors. Of course, I'm also going to show you exactly how to do this right so that you can definitely be among the Top 10% of Amazon authors.

Because here's the thing: Everyone who has followed my program —yes, I mean everyone — has achieved the coveted rank of Amazon #1 Bestseller. We typically see 3,000-5,000 Kindle downloads in the first 30 days. That's what I want for you. I want your book to be a smashing success. And your mom will be so proud, she'll buy your book by the case load.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Here's What Others Are Saying About Donna Partow

Peter Conti, Memoir

"I've published 5 books and never had a bestseller. Now I've been on the bestseller list 
almost every week for two years."

"We went from idea to #1 in both paperback and Kindle in 24 days. Donna has put us on a whole new trajectory for our lives."

John & Judy O'Leary, Non-Fiction

Pastor J. Henry Watson, Novel

"If you want to write a book that people will actually buy, you gotta hire Donna Partow. She knows the minute details and the big picture stuff."

"I've written many books and listened to all the experts. It didn't work. With Donna's help, I not only hit #1 on Amazon, I became a better writer."

Patty Mason, Bible Studies

Picture YOUR Book Here

Join our Growing Family of Kingdom Messengers &
Let's Make Your Publishing Dreams a Reality.  Together.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.