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You're Just 1 Step Away From Becoming an Author-ity

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You're Just 
1 Step Away From Becoming 
an Author-ity
You have something special inside you. Something you know.  Something you do.  Something you teach.  Something you have lived through and triumphed over.

You are already an authority.  

If you will use your knowledge and life lessons to help others, you can change the world.  

It's time to turn your message into a movement.  This is your moment.

The truth is, you know that what God has placed within you is powerful and valuable.

 But sometimes, you feel like the world's best kept secret.  

All that will change when you Get Your Book In Print & On Kindle (and you can do it in just 30 days).  

The minute you take that step, you will have crossed over.  

Suddenly, you'll be an author and that makes 
 But sometimes, you feel like the world's best kept secret.  

All that will change when you Get Your Book In Print & On Kindle (and you can do it in just 30 days).  

The minute you take that step, you will have crossed over.  

Suddenly, you'll be an author and that makes 
you THE author-ity on your subject.  You're the EXPERT.  You're the person who gets invited
to speak at conferences and retreats.  

You're the one people follow on social media.  You're the one whose life is making an impact.

That's why I say "You are just one step away from becoming an author-ity." And that one step is getting your book done.  It is so much easier than you've ever imagined. 

Notice I didn't even say you have to write a book, because you don't have to be a writer. 

You just have to get it done -- and I'll show you exactly how. 
(Hint: If you can talk, you can get it done!)
It's So Easy, You'll Wonder Why You Didn't Take the Leap Long Ago
Here's the Big Secret "they" don't want you to know: Getting a book in print and on Kindle is fast and easy

("They" are the people who want to charge you thousands of dollars to press a few buttons
on your behalf.  Don't fall for that.)

It takes me an average of two weeks to write a book. 

Getting the finished book in print and on Kindle is nothing more than filling out a form and clicking
"Upload Here" on a website.  No kidding.

There's no need to wait another day to become a published author. You can do it NOW 
and I will show you exactly how.

Fast.  Easy.  And, believe it or not, FUN!
You don't have to wait for a publisher to give you 'permission' to get your message to the people who need it.  

God has already given you, not only permission, but a commission to take your message to the world.

Don't wait another day.  

There are people waiting for the help and hope only you can bring.  

Your unique story.  Your unique voice.
You are the one who will touch lives in a way no one else can.
Begin NOW And I'll Take You Step-By-Step Through The Process:
  • Top 10 Reasons You NEED to get your book in print and on Kindle
  • How to choose a title that sells
  • Where to get a beautiful cover designed for as little as $5
  • What to include in the book and how to format it
  • Where to get it printed (and you won’t have to purchase hundreds of copies!)
  • Why reviews are important and how to get them
  • Exactly how to publish on Kindle in a matter of minutes
  • How to launch and market your book
What You Will Get

4 Comprehensive Training Videos Plus Companion Slide Decks

Lifetime Access To All Course Materials

What People are Saying
I received much impartation and clarity after just one training session. So much so that I wrote a draft outline for my book idea. Donna Partow- Thank you for being annointed, transparent and 
~ Lori Mitchell
I did it!!! You really can write a book in 30 days or less! Donna provides clear, concise, and inspiring instructions to remove that “this is going to be really difficult” feeling. My book reached number one on Amazon’s Best Seller list in Kindle during it’s free promotion and number six on Amazon Best Seller’s list for paid.

~ Kristin Reeg
 This class really stirred me up! I am actually scheduling at least 2 full days this week to write. Also, I am preparing to write more on FB to start building my platform and audience to market to.

~ Yolanda Perry

Can I Help YOU?
I wrote my first book in a matter of weeks while bouncing my colicky baby in a snugly pouch and typing standing up!  

That was 30 years ago.

Since then, I've written 30 books that have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide - most written in less than 2 weeks. 

My books opened the door to the world, taking me to six continents and enabling me to make an impact and an income on the internet, as well.

I'd love to share my secrets with you!
Greater Influence Awaits
GOD is cheering you on! 

God wants you to write that book even more than you do! He wants to help you push through the fears, the naysayers, and the obstacles to complete the good works that He prepared in advance for you to do! 


Because He created you to change lives and influence people.  

Authority means - “power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.” You are an authority!

The door of destiny is open! Don’t wait another day to walk through it. 

Your obedience to the call of God today opens doors of greater influence tomorrow. 

It IS time! You CAN do it! 
All Rights Reserved.  2017@DonnaPartow